1. No more physical labor-With tumbling composter, you won't have to constantly aerate your compost pile using a shovel. In many cases, this even creates back problems in many people! You just have to turn the crank if your composter runs on gears, or just rotate the drum if it is without gears and you are done.
2. Speedy turnaround-Tumbling composter provides speedy "turnover" and provides you compost within a few weeks instead of months it takes with the traditional composting methods.
With lots of compost, you can keep it stacked in corner (preferably in bags) till it "cures" with time. With several bags of compost, you won't ever fall short of a supply. Your compost will break down further in bags due to microorganisms and worms.
Your tumbling composter can retain moisture in a much better way than an open pile. Mostly you won't have to add water to your tumbler to get the desired results. Aside from keeping the moisture inside the tumbler, it keeps all "odd odors" inside as well.
3. Particle Size Breakdown-Another advantage of tumbling composter is that its tumbling action breaks down the particles to a much smaller size. This results in speedy formation of compost inside the tumbler.
4. Save on space, Water and Money-A tumbling composter keeps the materials contained within a small space and saves on space to a considerable extent. As they are tall, they stand much above the ground and you won't have to destroy the grass in the garden for a compost pile.
Compost obtained from a tumbler helps in smothering the weeds while providing the necessary nourishment to your garden. You will also see vast improvement in the ability of your garden soil to retain moisture. Therefore, you won't have to water your garden on daily basis.
5. The biggest benefit of a composting tumbler is that you won't have to spend a lot of money in buying expensive fertilizer bags from the store.
Composting tumblers are also beneficial where local ordinance prohibits the piles of composts. You get your compost without breaking the rules!
Even with so many advantages, there are few disadvantages of a tumbling composter.
* Most of the tumbling composter models can be quite expensive, especially the larger models
* You cannot create large quantities of compost in the averaged size tumbling composter. Many models have a capacity of around 22 cubic feet. However, as composting is done at a much faster rate, you may find that this may be just the right size for processing all your household water.
* Larger models of tumbling composters may yield you more compost, but they are much more expensive, heavy and hard to operate. You will also have to wait till it is full with organic waste, to get the best results.
Tumbling composters are best for all those home gardeners who are interested in making compost within a short time, and are not bothered about their limited capacity or price. However, irrespective of the type of composter you choose for your composting needs, be it the tumbling composter or a simple home made compost bin, your decision to recycle all your organic waste into a compost will yield best results in your vegetable garden and is good for our environment too!
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