The major difference between wood and masonry sealers is their pH range. Wood sealers usually have a slightly acidic pH range while masonry sealers have an alkaline pH. Therefore, the advantage is that house paints and wood stains will last longer on masonry sealers, whereas the lifespan of them on wood sealers are relatively less.
If you are new to the arena of masonry items, you may wonder what jargon we are on about. So for the benefit of absolute beginners of masonry sealers, we will discuss the basics before moving on to the technicality of why and how, using masonry sealers will be beneficial to every household.
The key objective of using masonry sealers is to stop liquid from seeping in to masonry surfaces. It will further prevent water vapor from evaporating, minimizing the damage that could otherwise occur. If water continues to flow through hard masonry walls or surfaces for prolonged time, the after results will be truly debilitating.
In either case, the conclusion remains that, no matter in liquid or vapor form; water will end up ruining the alkaline base of masonry sealers that will cause hard material to weaken. Since damages caused by water will lead to a lot of repair and money spent on it; it is of everyone’s best interest to use the best masonry sealers out there, for once and for all.
Now when it comes to using masonry sealers, you will need to consider a few facts. The first thing to know is that any surface is masonry sealers-ready but you need to make an educated choice in using the best type available according to its suitability to your need. Before you move on to choosing the most appropriate masonry sealers, it is important to know the different types of sealers available.
The exterior only, interior only and horizontal friendly are the major types. In addition to that, you may also find masonry sealers with extra proof for water. These types of masonry sealers will also be divided as pigmented coatings, film forming coatings and clear penetrating coatings. While most of these types will be available in both oil and water base types it is important to choose the best according to your need and purpose.
If you are trying to use masonry sealers for the first time, and if you attempting a handyman task for the first time, we suggest that you read up more about masonry sealers and also get some advice from an expert.
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