When you were searching for a home, it was the location that had the greatest weight in your decision. When building a greenhouse, location is still the thing that matters the most. While you don't need your greenhouse to be near a school, a church or a grocery store, you want your greenhouse to sit perfectly in your property where it serves its purpose most and where it can be accessed easily.
Choosing the right site is not that hard. All you have to do is to ask yourself the following questions:
1. How large (or small) is my greenhouse? Obviously, you will erect your greenhouse where there is an ample space around it. Make sure that you have plenty of room between your greenhouse and trees, walls, fences, and buildings.
2. Is there enough light in that area? A degree in agriculture is not required for you to be able to know that light plays an important role in your plants' growth. Make sure there are no obstructing buildings, trees and fences that would block the sunlight. It is ideal to build your greenhouse with a door facing north and no obstructions on either side so that it gets plenty of sunlight throughout the day.
3. Is it near a water supply? Plants need water to survive - you already know that, right? So make sure that you build your greenhouse near a water supply or else, you will find yourself making several trips back and forth to the water hose.
4. Does it have a drainage system? Since you are going to need a lot of water, you need a good drainage system. The last thing you want is to stomp around a pit of mud while trying to perform your daily duties in your greenhouse. Drainage does not have to be sophisticated. Setting up layers of rocks and sand over mulch will work just fine.
5. Is the future location of my greenhouse free from trees? Yes, trees. We've mentioned this already, but it has to be repeated to that it will stick on you. Unless you want to worry about lack of sunlight, tree branches that can do damage to the structure, and leaves getting on top and staying on top, keep greenhouse away from trees!
The key here is planning. Study your property well while fulfilling these questions and you'll find the perfect spot for your greenhouse in no time.
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