Often, people with smaller yards sigh and say that their yard is just too small to do anything with it.
Such a person believes that landscaping designs are only for those with large-sized yards; however nothing is farther from the truth. Good landscape design comes in all forms and as such designing a small yard in good taste is easily accomplished when the right designs are used. Here are some ways to make your small yard look pleasing and inviting to guests.
Since there is some challenge presented in designing a small yard you will need to be aware of the best arrangement to employ when it comes to patio furniture, the materials to use for the patio and incorporating small trees and flowering plants into the mix. Going overboard as to furniture will make any small space seem a bit claustrophobic or cluttered whether inside or outside. Thinking things through before effecting placement of furniture will lend enormously in providing your yard with a clean, uncluttered look. This includes considering the design and dimensions of the furniture you incorporate within your design scheme.
The way to think when using design inside any small space is to use lines that are clean and not cumbersome. If you were going to provide a term for it the relative term is streamlined.
When a piece of furniture is considered streamlined, the designer has made the best of insubstantial or rather plain furniture in order to provide a pleasant uncomplicated look. On top of streamlined design ensure you place items in your backyard in small numbers. The more objects you place in your backyard the more cluttered it will begin to appear, which completely defeats the purpose of streamlined design. So with respect to the preceding, the conclusion is your furniture design must present as a clean and uncomplicated appearance and you must place items in your small space minimal in number.
Another no-no is adding swimming pools or water decoration within the design scheme of a small backyard. If you must have some element of water purchase a bird bath. You are best advised to plant a garden of raised beds. Also including some simple items such as plants in their appropriate containers on the patio may lend some eye-appealing versatility. You might include plants requiring the bright sunshine provided by your patio, moving them indoors when the sun proves a bit too intense.
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