Poor Planting Technique In Heavy Clay and on a steep slope!
Slope Planting with no way of providing enough water for the plant to survival.
The big question has to be what type of soil do you have now? Is it sandy soil or is it clay soil? When planting trees and shrubs in sandy soil, you must incorporate some type of organic matter to help hold all of the moisture that you can. In heavy clay soils, it is better that you use the same clay soil because you are creating a planting hole that may not drain well.
The addition of organic matter will act like a sponge and may result in a dead plant because of too much water in the root area.
Flower areas must have a well prepared soil mix. Soil, manure, nature helper or any local organic material that is available in your area.
Mix the soil and materials well and I like to raise or mound the flower area because it adds to the landscape look. After planting the flowers, mulch with mini-bark or other mulch material to help hold moisture and help to maintain a more even temperature.
Perennial and ground cover areas should have a good soil mix for proper growth. The soil needs to be loose by incorporating organic materials. Thoroughly mix the soil and the organic together before planting. With a good soil mix, you have happy plants for years to come for your enjoyment.
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