Dirty, crowded, overgrown and stressed out-half dead. No, this isn’t a typical city or village. This is the typical American Home Landscape.
They have no design, totally disorganized and over planted, with little or no maintenance. No maintenance usually means that plants are now 10 ft. Tall across the front of the house, our lawn is half bear and the rest is a weed patch.
It is funny that we all work hard to buy that first home. We take great care of the landscape and the home, after 10 years, a heavy work schedule and tons of kid activities not enough time and don’t seem to care how things look any more attitude.
Our home is a mess and later the subdivision becomes run down is a mess also. Is this part of our normal life cycle. Build, run down, rent, tear down and rebuild.
Design - Build - Maintenance for improved property values and stable neighborhoods. Design your landscape to increase in value over time not decrease in appearance.
A good designer knows, what plants to put where so the plants fit the design of the home. Landscaping is suppose to enhance the home's
Architecture. The designer should be capable of making the home fit into its local micro environment and frame it like a picture.
Design is not about showcasing different odd plants that you might like. It is making a pleasing picture with your home as the center piece.
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